Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Threatening Mails received

SMU Tennis is seeing the beginning of a fierce rivalry between 2 unnamed players who will be called J and N for anonymous purposes. Below is the letter of intent that was sent by J:

There is one thing I cannot approve in this life, simple code my life lives by, ego above all. We will settle it in the next tennis session, call it the duel of fates, obi wan kenobi vs darth maul. You may be backed by the power of the darkside, but you are evil, a monstrosity, a force to be destroyed ever so swiftly. I feel the force, the Jedi force, call it Yoda or Anakin spirits churning, the forces will collide, and you will fall, fall hard like an egg hitting the fan...you can call it shit hitting the fan too.

Editor's note: There was a query from another worried member of the tennis team. Essentially, how does an egg FALL and hit the FAN? Perhaps J may wish to clarify the nature of his magic FAN, or EGG for that matter.

J is not one to mince his words and N will most certainly be taking this seriously. SMU Tennis wishes to advice both parties to recognise and respect the sanctity of sportsmanship; there is more to life than winning a tennis match 6-2, 6-1 - having a GPA of 4.3 could possibly be one such reason. Nevertheless, this promises an exciting future and both players will challenge themselves to the maximum to maintain their pride. This bodes well for SMU Tennis.

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