Monday, March 10, 2008

Saturday Training: Singles Report

Training for the Mens Team this week was at the famous ACJC courts, home turf of 6 time gold medallists, Kamil and Josh (the Ladies Team was having a gruelling training with Lela at her condominium).

Atendance was perfect, for the 2nd time in a week and the 6 guys proceeded to play 2 matches - 1 singles and 1 doubles. In the singles, Jason "Blake" Poh took on Nick "Dugong" Poon. It was billed by Kamil as the clash of schools - Econs v. Law. Previously in this duel, Nick barely triumphed with a 7-5 win. This time, the factors leading up to the match were quite different. Jason, who had been busy with school the whole week, as well as physical training which had left him reeling from muscle aches for 3 days since Tuesday, was not in the best shape to take on the 11.30am heat and the quick, skiddy surface of the ACJC courts.

Nick on the other hand appeared fresher, more eager to repeat his feat and he took the match very seriously from the word "go". The intensity of the match was evident from the very first point, and Jason unleashed a pinpoint forehand to clinch the tight deuce which threatened to break his service game. Unfortunately, those forehands were few and far between. Jason's errors began to pile up faster than the typical law student's assignments and Nick was contented to allow Jason to self-destruct. Tension reached boiling point and at one stage, Jason even tossed his racket into the tree cover 10m above. Luckily, he did not cause any physical damage to the tree. The set was over quickly with another of Jason's shot failing to clear the net. The score read 6-2 in Nick's favour. An unfortunate tennis ball had to bear the brunt of Jason's ire and promptly found itself out of the court.

The 2nd set began almost in the same fashion as the first one ended. Nick was clearly on a roll and pounded his famed forehand, one after another, to Jason's frustration. That frustration was compounded by his errors, ironically the usual trademark of Nick. The set ended again in Nick's favour with a score of 6-1. Jason, clearly pissed with himself, sent another ball out of the court and promptly threatened his racket that he was close to smashing it - such was his irritation. Probably overwhelmed by the physical exertion, Jason was later found taking a nap at the nearby stadium benches.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wah lau, i'd be damn sad if i were poh... shouldnt write this kinda stuff next time la.