Sunday, March 2, 2008

Match Report 02/03/2008

Match Report: 02 March 2008

On a morning with the sound of rain pattering incessantly against the window accompanied with the smell of the fresh dew, most people would be either still in bed or in church. Not Kamil or Nick. They took to the neighbour of the famous Arsenal JSSL academy - Kallang Tennis Centre - to begin the first of a series of exhibition friendlies. Kamil had just completed a set of 9 games prior to the friendly at the Padang, and was clearly more ready at the go than the sheepish and still somewhat lumbering Nick who could still feel the Al-Ameen prata consumed late last night somewhere in his digestive tract.

Despite the drizzle, the match began and a combination of blistering shots from Kamil and patently common unforced backhand errors by Nick resulted in a demolition of 9-0 in record time - all of 25 minutes. Although there were 3 games of deuces, there was never any doubt that Kamil was able to find his rhythm faster and maintained it longer. Nick had ostensibly left his, if any, in the SMU library. Kamil was visibly intent on avenging his startling defeat to Nick just a couple of days ago when he lost numerous tie-breaks, including an 11 point tie-break in which he was 10-6 up. Then, as was now, Nick demonstrated just how fast he was and could be, much to the surprise of Kamil who realised that he had to do that little bit more to win the point. Nevertheless, ever the strategist, Kamil's guile and consistency was sufficient to deconstruct Nick's game into nothing more than mere frustration. In a set where winners by both players could be counted by one hand literally, it boiled down to who made more forced and unforced errors. No prizes for guessing the winner in that contest.

With a bit of time remaining before the hour was up, the pair embarked on a second set. However, the rain would have none of it and the game was interrupted with the score at 2-1. Nick, who seemed to have found his game somewhat was disappointed that the game could not continue. With the mid-term break ending, his concern of lack of games was justified. Kamil though, was contented to end the day with this resounding defeat and added salt to injury by telling his opponent that he had a lot of work cut out for him. He even went so far as to instruct Nick to come up with his SMART goals. ******** was the immediate response.

The pair adjourned for a quick lunch at the popular shopping mall of Leisure Park and promptly headed back to school for some respite and mugging. When asked about his thoughts on the rivalry, Nick would only say this, 'he (kamil) may have the better of me on the court right now, but off it, in the confines of the library, I'm still the one he seeks help from. So God is fair.' Perhaps the tables can be turned around one day where Nick may be the winner on the court and Kamil, off the court. Till then, it's back to studying.

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