Monday, March 10, 2008

Tennis Clinic Grand Finale

Just as all good things usually come to an end, the SMU Tennis Clinic met its end last Saturday at ACJC. The turnout was good, as it has been throughout the 4 weeks, and the weather was perfect for optimum training until about 10 minutes from the end, when the Heavens shared the sadness of the coaches and the participants at the end of the Clinic and shed her tears.

SMU Tennis certainly enjoyed imparting our skills and knowledge of the game to our eager learners. We sincerely hope that we have not disappointed anyone and if we have, we apologise unreservedly. We hope to organise more of such events for even more learners in future to spread the joy of tennis.

Once again, thanks to all the participants for being so sporting and enduring all our nonsense! Hope to see you around and again soon! :)

Team Photo:
Front Row: Mens and Ladies Team
Second, Third and Fourth Rows: Participants

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