Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Singapore University Games Update

Dear SMU,

We would like to congratulate Kamil on his excellent win over #1 seed, Marc. Against an opponent like Marc, a win was always a difficult task. Even when Kamil had some service breaks, Marc was always in the game and whenever he looked like he was about to self-destruct, Marc would always find his game and sometimes even bring it up a notch. Lesser beings (like Jason and myself for example) would usually be overwhelmed by the sudden energy and lose composure. However, Kamil was able to react accordingly, not get flustered and persevere with his typical “using-everything-to-get-the-ball-back” game.

Our other finalists, Josh and Vijay are also equally deserving. Against a very tough pair, they showed their mettle. Vijay, in particular, was outstanding throughout apart from a momentary flare up over a contentious call. Josh, possibly the most accomplished doubles player in the competition, brought his usual reliable game to court and that put the pressure perpetually on the opponents. Nonetheless, there should be no underestimation of Gerald and Eric. The underdogs have defeated two doubles pairings who were both expected to win. Although the scoreline for both was a mere 9-8, it shows if anything, the volatility of doubles and the conclusion is never known till it happens.

To our two girls doubles pairing of Sheryl and Clarissa, Jacintha and Ili, it was really a case of tough luck again. Not only were their opponents very very competent, the long weekend break removed some of the momentum generated last Friday. Even so, all 4 displayed tremendous grit and determination to get to every ball. Jac and Ili in particular were mentally impregnable and were simply the unlucky victims, as is the case for the losing pair for most if not all tennis tiebreaks.

Apart from Kamil, the only other player who had the unfortunate task of playing a national player was Charlene. Tamsyn is no doubt a player of the highest quality and as such, losing to her is anything but a disgrace. I am sure Charlene did everything she could to give Tamsyn a good fight and that is all that matters.

To all of you who remain in the singles and doubles competition, kudos for helping SMU obtain a medal, regardless of colour. You have achieved more than many others and you should be proud of yourself. Do your best in your remaining matches and good luck.

SUNIG aside, let me give you reasons why you should not vote for Josh (Clar and Jac) for SSU.

1) They are hardworking and dedicated

2) They are good-looking

3) They bring life and spirit to the people around them

What is SSU? Excellent question! I have no idea what SSU does. I have not seen them before, and aside from processing some claims for court bookings, have not heard of the scope of their roles and responsibilities. Unless you wish to see a drastic change in this ghost, faceless, apparently useless association to one with life and spirit, gorgeous faces and individuals committed to the improvement of sports in SMU, please do not vote for Josh (Clar and Jac) only for them to put their time and talent to waste.